We’ll Say It: Primary Bedrooms Should Be Romantic

It’s time for some real talk. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life for many families, romance can take a back seat to soccer games and cheer practice, holidays and late nights at work. We’ve been talking lately about creating a functional home, which is one of our biggest passions when it comes to renovations. Sometimes that means reconfiguring a kitchen to flow better, sometimes that means converting a closet to a walk-in pantry. 

And sometimes, that means creating a space that you simply want to be in. Something that sparks joy, or… sparks sparks. 

We loved working with our clients to create a striking primary bedroom that’s a mature oasis for mom and dad, with plenty of functional touches to make life at home a little bit easier. Check out these before and afters!

Before and After: In-Room Laundry

This primary suite included in-room laundry, which can pose a challenge when trying to separate rest and relaxation from everyday chores. The existing space got the job done, but it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing and there were a few functional elements we knew would make life easier for our clients.

We started by adding a few simple touches to immediately spruce up the space: nice shelving, gold hardware, a divider to emulate a built-in look, and an extra shelf at arm level to help with storage and organization. We also incorporated the stunning purple color (more on that later) into the doors and wall to create a cohesive look, and swapped the carpet for a black and white tile.

Before and After: Lighting

Setting any kind of mood is all about the lighting: bright for productivity, subdued for relaxation, and flattering hues when it needs to be. Like in a primary bedroom. In this project, we started with the ceiling fan in the center of the room, swapping it for a gorgeous chandelier with black and gold detailing and exposed bulbs. We added matching bedside sconces, and brought it all together with recessed lighting in the corners. 

We’re always blown away at the difference lighting makes in a room, and this one is no exception.

Before and After: Drab to Fab

These photos speak for themselves, but the transformation from brown and neutral tones to stunning purple, black, and gold, made all the difference in the world. With romance in mind, we knew that pinks and purples are notoriously complementary against skin, so we recommended Sensuous Gray from Sherwin Williams (which was fitting all around).  

We used the color on the walls, trim, and the ceiling, and added a floral accent wall to bring it all together. By bringing the paint onto the ceiling, it creates a finished, cohesive look that gives the room a moody makeover, and is always recommended when using a darker color. 

Whatever challenge you’re hoping to tackle in your home, we’re here to help. Let’s get your consultation on the books today!