How does she do it?

How Does She Do It? Business Insight from Paige

I felt we should kick off 2023 by letting our followers in on a little insight on how I continue to learn & grow into a CEO to create a sustainable business while building a team that also believes in my mission.

Every year in January I see, hear & read inspiration that is suppose to help us all get in the mindset of setting goals for the new year, however I started planning & setting business goals for 2023 in September of 2022…

What does PWID annual planning look like?

Ellevated Outcomes prep packets = homework for each team member to rate & reflect on business processes, clients we want to work with & employee atmosphere.

1 intense full day of planning with Julie Sellers, CEO of Ellevated Outcomes, to help us review our deepest insights and goals.

(Yes we deserved champagne that day!)

1 CEO retreat trip to absorb & select the goals to put into place for the PWID team.

2022 trip destination was Miami

A final CEO planning day after 3 weeks of intense reflection & goal setting (while also running the day to day of a demanding design business)

And if all that was not enough…

I enrolled in Ellevated Outcomes, Small Business MBA course: Simplify Your Business that supplied me with a fresh perspective, an opportunity to zoom out and assess my business, and tools to get really clear on where I want and need to go.

However the “CEO / I” quickly turned into a “We” taking this course as a design team learning that in order to be sustainable as a small business we must excel in quality of product, service, and customer experience and I can’t do it alone.

So, to answer the title of this blog post, “How does she do it”,

I keep living my mission from the very first annual planning day with Ellevated Outcomes in 2018:

“She shines bright in her business and her life. She lives in color, with passion” and by ADDING: “She surrounds herself with a team that shares that very same passion”

This year Ellevated Outcomes is offering a wealth of education around CEO systems & materials for creative business owners and how they use them in their own business.

If you’re interested to know more, you can sign up HERE for their weekly letters, access to a monthly masterclass (January and February are on conducting Annual Planning and using a CEO Scorecard), and be notified of their CEO Mindset video series release.